External Function


  • Postman (or any other for using APIs)
  • Learn how VariaMos works (here)
  • Learn how Clean Architecture works (here)

To create new external functions

In order to create external functions you must take the following into consider:

  1. Create a microservice under the REST standard
  • You can use any programming language.
  • You can use clean architecture.
  1. Identify the id of the language to which you will assign the external function. You can find the language id by following these steps
  • Enter the site https://variamos.azurewebsites.net.
  • First click on Setting
  • Select language
  • Click on Update Language
  • Identify the id of the language
  1. Use postman and create a new request with the following specification.
  • Assign the POST method.
  • Assign this URL https://variamos-ms-languages.azurewebsites.net/languages/:languageId/externalfunctions.
  • In parameters, assign the ID of the language you identified in step 2.
  • In body, set the following
    • Allowable values in resulting action: download or showonscreen
    "transactionId": "<id>",
    "data": {
        "name": "<nameOfExternalFunction>",
        "label": "<labelOfExternalFunction>",
        "url": "<URLOfExternalFunction>",
        "header": {},
        "resulting_action": "<ResultingActionOfExternalFunction>",
        "language_id": "<languageId>"

*By default, the VariaMos core will send in the request the json definition of the project and the id of the selected model.

  1. To finish click on send for create new external function.
  2. Make sure your microservice is public so that VariaMos can access it.

Note: When adding a new deployment artifact to the VariaMos architecture, register the port used and make sure not to use a port that is already registered. To view and register the used ports click here.

To visualize a complete example