Version 2.0. Java Stand Alone

In the second version of VariaMos, the platform became a little more independent, thus eliminating much of the dependence on Eclipse. In the present version, we were able to demonstrate how the solution is adapted to a client-server architecture, as described in (Mazo Raúl, Muñoz-Fernández Juan, Rincón Luisa, Salinesi Camille, Tamura Gabriel. VariaMos: an extensible tool for engineering (dynamic) product lines. In the XIX International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC), Nashville-USA, 2015), in which the solution is packaged in an executable file to allow its installation in each of the users who wish to use it. However, it was the tedious procedure that had to be followed for each user to add a new capabilities (or languages) to the platform that limited its growth and prompted its creators to think about taking the platform to another level.

Limitations and challenges

  • On this occasion, extensibility and maintainability, from the point of view of complexity in the processes, played against the application, thus causing the times to improve or extend it to be considerably high.
  • The tedious process that had to be followed to extend the capabilities of the platform becomes evident when it was needed to, for example, define new dynamic operations.

Simplifying the process of extending the capabilities of the tool, reducing the learning curve to be able to use and extend the tool, and easing the tool maintenance process were the main motivations for creating version 3.0.



Working team

David Henao, Diego Quiroz, Esteban Echavarría, Jose Lopez, Juan Carlos Muñoz, Luisa Rincon, Raúl Mazo, Sebastian Monsalve.